When manifesting dreams...then they actually happen...what?!

As the New Year approaches, I have been thinking over this last year. I went through my journal from last winter up until now and I am a bit swept away by all that has happened. No, seriously, I wrote down so many dreams for my future, some very specific, some a bit more expansive. After getting through the hardest part of the treatments I thought I was in the clear to start hoping and dreaming for the future. I didn't really commit to manifesting though until I had my scans in early May that showed NED and that treatment worked. I needed to know I was in the clear or mostly in the clear before I really started diving (with gusto!) into my future. So I really started dreaming big in May. But the ideas were out there on paper. I had some hard parts of the year mirrored against some amazing moments. I guess we all do in many ways.
So here are some cool things that happened in 2018 and that are happening in 2019.
1. Spend time with family and friends- I spent the summer at the cottage with the kiddos and my Mom to be close to my sister and her new family. I traveled with our best friends and some family in Jan 2018 and am traveling again with family in Jan 2019. I love to travel, but love it most when I can share it with my closest people. In fact when I travel with my hubby we have so much fun! It brings us closer and reminds us that adventures together are so so important. Making memories, even in Cuba when it is 15 degrees (instead of 30), makes my heart smile. Planning yearly family travel time is an exciting part of my future!
2. Surgery - my health has had a front row seat these last few years and rightly so because cancer does not take a day off! Surgery to remove my ovaries, as a prevention for future risk was in Feb 2018. Let me just say, it was no picnic! The surgery itself and healing was not too bad, but the instant, horrid surgical menopause has been no picnic. It has been and still is a daily grind to work around all the side effects. I am doing the best I can with it and well, that is all I can do.
3. Become a Yoga and Meditation Teacher. YES! I am well on my way! I started my YTT training in September 2018 and I now cannot even imagine my life without my Yoga community and the knowledge I am gaining! I will be ready to teach in the Spring of 2019 with over 250 hours of training. As well, I am spending half of 2019 training (200 hours) to become a Meditation teacher! Yay me!
4. Start a website and a blog, focus on writing, journalling and sharing my story. I am so thankful to my readers! I kinda still can't believe I am able to write so fluently without crying! ha ha ha. In all seriousness though, writing has been extremely therapeutic and healing. It is a tool I will for sure continue to work with.
5. Go on a Retreat with other breast cancer warriors - Wow! What a powerful experience. I met up with 25 young women Breast Cancer survivors at a resort in Ontario's cottage country and we explored all the areas in our life that Breast Cancer affects. What a privilege to meet these warrior women. Thank-you goes to Rethink Breast Cancer who blessed me with such an amazing experience.
6. Get stronger physically - it may not be noticeable to others, but I can really feel the difference. I have been working hard at my yoga practice and strengthening my left shoulder, being careful at the same time to not aggravate the lymphedema. My energy has started improving also! I am so thankful for my body and that after all it has been through, it can bless me with strength.
7. Share my story in order to provide hope to people and their families diagnosed with cancer or those facing hardships. I feel like I really connected and accomplished this when I spoke at the opening ceremonies for the Terry Fox Run in my hometown. I spoke about how helpless it can feel to see and support a loved one going through Cancer treatment. I know the feeling. I spoke to the idea of being a cheerleader! Cheer on those around you going through treatment, it can really lift them up and keep them positive. Our loved ones need to hear that they are strong and that they CAN do hard things!
8. Support my children and their dreams. Leading by example is an important part of why I do what I do. My precious little ones are making big decisions for their future and I want to be there for them. I know that they can see my accomplishments and they know I had to do some planning and hard work to get here. My new perspective has allowed me to step back and guide them into their young adult chapter of their life. I must say, it is awesome to watch! Their determination and their laissez faire attitudes are tricky to navigate and I usually let them do the steering! lol
9. Collaborate with my sister. When Lindsay (mygratitudeattitude) started her YTT several years ago, she said to me, "You have to take this training and then someday we can work together!"
Coming this Spring we are offering our first retreat called "Empowered Rest". We have been writing and organizing curriculum for several months now. It will be a full weekend offering Yoga, meditation, nature, workshops, connection and community. This collaboration really started years ago and we are so thrilled to be working together. Well, here it is! Someday is NOW!
10. Collaborate with my yoga teacher, friend and fellow warrior Christy Field. As we drove home together in April 2018 from The Toronto Yoga Show we planted a seed out there in the universe. We wanted to work together to help people get through hard times. We had been through hard times ourselves, with our Breast Cancer diagnoses and treatments. For us both, yoga, meditation, journalling and reading inspiring books made a huge difference in our healing. Well, we have made it happen!
Beginning in January 2019, we are offering "The Connected Self Workshop" based on tools we used to empower ourselves through hard times. We dive into Self-compassion, authenticity and resiliency and use yoga, journaling and meditation to bring about self discovery. We are hoping to run this program a few times a year! If you are local, we hope you will join us!
11. Be present. Every moment, be present. One of my goals that I take very seriously is being present with my family and especially my children. I don't want to miss one moment with them. I don't want to miss an opportunity to hug them or comfort them or to teach them something, like learning to drive or how to cook chicken fingers. These moments are precious to me, silly little moments that are gone in a flash, but that I cherish. Being present in my life is my ultimate goal. I don't want to miss a thing! This is the real FOMO my friends!
You make all the difference in my best life! You are great cheerleaders and readers. I appreciate you all.
Your Breastie,